Are you a big tomato fan? If so, then you'll love the green zebra tomato! Not only will they please your eyes but they'll please your taste buds as well, and they're so much fun to grow! Keep reading to learn how to grow green zebra tomatoes in your garden or in pots – you won't be disappointed in these amazing plants! Green zebra tomatoes are a favorite of many world class chefs, so why not up your culinary dishes a notch and learn how to grow green zebra tomatoes!

How to Grow Green Zebra Tomatoes

green zebra tomato

These tomatoes are called green zebra tomatoes because of their green color and their zebra stripes. As the tomatoes mature though, they develop a green-yellow hue that's overlaid with mottled green and orange stripes.

Green zebra tomatoes look stunning in the garden, and they taste even better! They go great in salads and sandwiches, and are not that much different to grow than a regular tomato!

Planting Green Zebra Tomatoes:

green zebra tomatoes

  • Plant seeds in an area that will receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
  • If planting in a pot or container, be sure to move the pot constantly so that your tomatoes get enough sun.
  • Use a good quality, well draining soil.
  • Keep the area free of weeds.
  • Give the plants at least an inc (2.5 cm) of water per week.
  • Use an organic tomato plant fertilizer.
  • Set up stakes for support.

Green Zebra Tomatoes Harvest:

  • Your green zebra tomatoes will be ready to harvest within 75 to 80 days.
  • Germination will only occur if the soil temperature is at least 70F (21 C).
  • Like regular tomatoes, do not refrigerate green zebra tomatoes (they will lose their flavor).

So now that you know how to grow green zebra tomatoes, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!

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How to Grow Green Zebra Tomatoes

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